
go 加拿大! 不用入境即可移民-the Federal Skilled Trades Program (EE)项目介绍

加乐美出国 Joymay加乐美出国 2023-08-19


加拿大移民、难民和公民部 (IRCC) 于 2013 年启动了联邦技术行业计划 (FSTP),为技术行业工人提供专门的移民途径。

FSTP 是由加拿大政府的快速通道系统管理的三个联邦经济计划之一。快速通道是加拿大欢迎经济类技术工人移民加拿大的主要方式。根据其移民水平计划,加拿大的目标是每年欢迎超过 400,000 名新移民,平均每年为 Express Entry 分配 110,000 个移民名额。

通过 FSTP 申请是您作为技术贸易专业人士移民加拿大的众多方式之一。其他选择包括通过其他联邦移民计划申请、通过省提名计划 (PNP) 申请以及申请移民到魁北克。


Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) launched the Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) in 2013 to offer a dedicated immigration pathway to skilled trades workers.

The FSTP is one of three federal economic programs managed by the Government of Canada's Express Entry system. Express Entry is the main way Canada welcomes economic class skilled workers to immigrate to the country. Under its Immigration Levels Plan, Canada aims to welcome over 400,000 new immigrants per year with an average of 110,000 annual immigration spots allocated to Express Entry.

Applying through the FSTP is one of many ways you can pursue immigration to Canada as a skilled trades professional. Other options include applying through other federal immigration programs, applying through the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), and applying to immigrate to Quebec.

FSTP 产品优势

FSTP 是联邦和省政府为欢迎更多技术工人到加拿大解决贸易职业劳动力短缺问题而做出的重大努力的一部分。加拿大人口老龄化,出生率低,这就是为什么它更多地依赖移民来支持其劳动力和经济增长。技术行业是一个非常需要的领域。

根据 FSTP 移民到加拿大有很多好处。在 Express Entry 下,成功的 FSTP 候选人通常能够在六个月内获得永久居留权。

FSTP 候选人的 CRS 分数可能低于 Express Entry 池中的其他候选人,部分原因是他们不需要证明自己的教育水平。然而,IRCC 偶尔会举行特定项目的 Express Entry 抽签,仅邀请 FSTP 候选人。进入 Express Entry 池会增加您获得永久居留权的几率,因为您可以获得省提名,这几乎可以保证您通过 Express Entry 获得成功。省提名值得额外的 600 CRS 积分,这意味着您很可能最终会收到 Express Entry 下的永久居留邀请。

如果您是具有加拿大工作经验的 FSTP 候选人,那么您就可以在加拿大劳动力市场取得成功。IRCC 为曾在加拿大工作并曾在加拿大学习过的候选人提供更全面的排名系统 (CRS) 积分。

加拿大政府和学术界的研究也表明,拥有加拿大经验是获得永久居留权的主要优势。当您根据 FSTP 获得永久居留权时,您在加拿大工作期间获得的知识、人脉、经验和技能的组合将为您提供劳动力市场优势。

What are the benefits of the FSTP?

The FSTP is part of a major effort by federal and provincial governments to welcomed more skilled trades workers to Canada to address labour shortages in trades occupations. Canada has an aging population and low birth rate, which is why it is relying more on immigration to support its labour force and economic growth. The skilled trades is an area of significant need.

Immigrating to Canada under the FSTP offers a number of benefits. Under Express Entry, successful FSTP candidates are usually able to obtain their permanent residence within six months.

FSTP candidates may have lower CRS scores than other candidates in the Express Entry pool in part because they are not required to prove their level of education. IRCC, however, occasionally holds program-specific Express Entry draws inviting only FSTP candidates. Entering the Express Entry pool increases your odds of obtaining permanent residence since you can receive a provincial nomination which will all but guarantee your success through Express Entry. A provincial nomination is worth an additional 600 CRS points which means you will very likely eventually receive a permanent residence invitation under Express Entry.

If you are a FSTP candidate with Canadian work experience, you are well-positioned to succeed in the Canadian labour market. IRCC provides more Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points to candidates who have worked in Canada and also who have studied here.

Research by Canada's governments as well as academics also shows that having Canadian experience is a major advantage when obtaining permanent residence. The combination of the knowledge, connections, experience, and skills you obtained while working in Canada will provide you with a labour market edge when you obtain permanent residence under the FSTP.


IRCC 使用 Express Entry 来管理包括 FSTP 在内的三个经济类技术工人移民计划的技术工人申请。

您首先需要确保您符合 FSTP 的资格标准或联邦技术工人计划 (FSWP) 或加拿大经验类 (CEC) 计划的标准。如果您符合资格标准,您可以将 Express Entry 个人资料上传到 IRCC 的网站上,您将在该网站上根据您的年龄、教育程度、语言技能、工作经验以及加拿大工作和学习经验等因素获得 CRS 分数。IRCC 会定期举行一次快速入境抽签,邀请 CRS 分数最高的候选人申请永久居留权。IRCC 将为您提供提交永久居留申请的时间期限。IRCC 的目标是在六个月内处理您的申请。

以下是有关如何通过 FSTP 移民加拿大的分步指南:

第 1 步:查看您是否符合 FSTP 的资格标准。

第 2 步:如果您符合 FSTP 或其他快速入境计划的资格标准,您将需要完成 IRCC 官方认可的英语和/或法语语言测试。如果您曾在符合条件的课程中出国留学,您可能还想通过获得教育证书评估来申请您有资格获得的额外 CRS 积分。更多信息可在 Canadasa 的 Express Entry 页面上找到。

第 3 步:在 IRCC 网站上提交您的 Express Entry 个人资料。

第 4 步:按照 IRCC 的快速入境抽签,查看您是否收到申请永久居留的邀请 (ITA)。

第 5 步:如果您收到 ITA,请在指定期限内向 IRCC 提交完整的永久居留申请。对于大多数申请人来说,IRCC 对永久居留申请的处理标准是六个月,当然处理时间还要以实际处理时间为准。

How the immigration process works with the FSTP:

IRCC uses Express Entry to manage skilled worker applications for three economic class skilled worker immigration programs including the FSTP. 

You first need to ensure you meet the FSTP's eligibility criteria or the criteria of the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) or Canadian Experience Class (CEC) program. If you meet the eligibility criteria, you can upload an Express Entry profile onto IRCC's website where you will receive a CRS score based on the likes of your age, education, language skills, work experience, and Canadian work and study experience. IRCC holds Express Entry draws inviting the candidates with the highest CRS scores to apply for permanent residence. IRCC will provide you with a deadline on how much time you have to submit your permanent residence application. IRCC will aim to process your application within six months.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can pursue immigration to Canada through the FSTP:

Step 1: See if you meet the FSTP's eligibility criteria. Joymay has a free eligibility tool.

Step 2: If you meet the eligibility criteria of the FSTP or another Express Entry program, you will need to complete an English and/or French language test officially recognized by IRCC. If you have studied abroad in an eligible program, you may also want to claim the additional CRS points you are eligible for by obtaining an Educational Credential Assessment. More information is available on Joymay's Express Entry page.

Step 3: Submit your Express Entry profile on IRCC's website.

Step 4: Follow IRCC's Express Entry draws to see if you receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence. Draws tend to take place every two weeks.

Step 5: If you receive an ITA, submit your completed permanent residence application to IRCC within the specified deadline. IRCC's processing standard for permanent residence applications is six months or less for most applicants.


为了有资格获得 FSTP,您必须:

  • 拥有加拿大境内最多两名雇主提供的连续、有偿、全职工作(每周至少 30 小时)的有效工作邀请,至少一年,或来自省或地区机构的资格证书*;

  • 提供指定语言测试机构的基本语言能力证明,证明申请人符合 IRCC 设定的最低门槛——口语和听力加拿大水平基准 (CLB) 5,阅读和写作 CLB 4;

  • 在申请前五年内获得2年技术行业的全职工作经验(或同等数量的兼职工作);和能够展示他们的技能和经验,并且他们已经履行了该职业的基本职责。



符合 FSTP 条件的技术工作经验属于国家职业分类 (NOC) 的以下类别:

  • 主要组 72:工业、电气和建筑行业

  • Major Group 73:维修和设备操作行业

  • 主要组别 82:自然资源、农业和相关生产领域的主管和技术工作

  • 主要组 92:加工、制造和公用事业主管和中央控制操作员

  • 次要组 632:厨师和厨师

  • 633 小类:屠夫和面包师

FSTP 候选人必须计划居住在魁北克省以外。魁北克省通过独特的移民系统选择自己的技术工人。

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible for the FSTP, you must:

have valid job offers of continuous, paid, full-time employment (at least 30 hours a week) from up to two employers in Canada for at least one year OR a certificate of qualification* from a provincial or territorial body;

provide proof of basic language proficiency from a designated language testing organization, demonstrating that the applicant meets the minimum threshold set by IRCC — Canadian Level Benchmark (CLB) 5 for speaking and listening, CLB 4 for reading and writing;

have obtained 2 years of full-time work experience (or an equal amount of part-time work) in the skilled trade in the five years before applying; and be able to demonstrate the skills and experience and that they have performed the essential duties of the occupation.

*A certificate of qualification proves that a foreign national is qualified to work in a skilled trade occupation in Canada. With a certificate of qualification, applicants prove they have passed a certification exam or met all the requirements to practice their trade in a specific province or territory.

Skilled work experience eligible for the FSTP falls under the following categories of the National Occupational Classification (NOC):

Major Group 72: industrial, electrical and construction trades,

Major Group 73: maintenance and equipment operation trades,

Major Group 82: supervisors and technical jobs in natural resources, agriculture and related production,

Major Group 92: processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators,

Minor Group 632: chefs and cooks, and

Minor Group 633: butchers and bakers.

FSTP candidates must plan to reside outside the province of Quebec. The province of Quebec selects its own skilled workers through a unique immigration system.


It looks beautiful, and you can submit an immigration application without going abroad, but looking at the three most recent EE screenings in 2022 regardless of product, the minimum score is 533 points.


When submitting an EE application, if you are taking the pure EE channel (FSW/CEC/FST), your age must be under 33 with a master’s degree, four 7’s in IELTS, your spouse’s bachelor’s degree, and four 6’s in IELTS, You have one year of certification and one year of work experience in Canada. Under this scoring, your CRS score can reach 534 points. If you need to calculate the CRS score, please add Jialemei customer service WeChat, provide your resume, and we will calculate the CRS score for you.

从8月2号的EE排队人数排列情况可以看出,450分以上没有省提名加持纯技术的申请人有63,000人以上,今年技术类已经筛选了三次,并且是混合筛选,no program specefied筛选还包括了部分的省提名的申请人。



It can be seen from the ranking of the number of people in the EE queue on August 2, there are more than 63,000 applicants who have no provincial nomination and blessing of pure technology with a score of 450 or more. This year, the technology category has been screened three times, and it is a mixed screening. Some provincial nominee applicants are included.

Then our final suggestion is that if your CRS score is above 450, you still have a chance to enter the pool and wait for the screening of the Federal Technology EE (2023), and more than 60,000 people will have to digest it. Especially for applicants who have passed FSW or FST abroad and have a CRS score of 450 points, they do not need to enter or enter Canada in a hurry, then they can consider waiting in the pool!

Joymay provides CRS free score calculation, as well as technical EE immigration products (FSW, CEC, FST), waiting for your consultation and detailed understanding! 

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